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How to get over this flu season

How to get over this flu season

Fauwaz Ahmad |

With COVID-19 consuming our lives over the past two years, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s the only virus that exists. But after a two-year hiatus, the common flu is back with a vengeance. 

Caused by the influenza virus, the flu is a highly contagious respiratory infection that can range in severity from mild to deadly. 

2019 was one of Australia’s worst flu seasons on record - with over 300,000 confirmed cases of influenza, over 4000 hospitalisations and over 900 deaths. 

While there is no cure for the flu, here are some natural ways to ease symptoms. 

Zam Zam Water

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Water of Zamzam is good for whatever (purpose) it has been drank.” In another Hadith, The Prophet SAW, said, "Verily, it is blessed; it is food that nourishes." [Narrated by Imam Muslim, 2473]

ZamZam water is scientifically proven for its healing nature. It contains Calcium and Magnesium and is germicidal because of its fluoride presence. Furthermore, a German study revealed that Zamzam water enhances energy levels and strengthens body cells. 

One of the main symptoms of the flu is a high fever, which can lead to excessive sweating. In more severe cases, you may even experience bouts of vomiting or diarrhoea. Your body needs plenty of fluids to fight off the infection and replace lost liquids. Consuming Zamzam water is a surefire way to replenish these liquids and help strengthen your immunity.

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Sidr Honey

Honey is a common natural remedy for soothing a sore throat or cough. In one study, researchers found that honey more effectively controlled coughs than common cough suppressants. 

More than 1400 years ago, Allah and His Messenger told us that honey could heal various medical problems. “There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colours, in which there is Shifa’ for people. Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who give thought.”

(Al’Nahl: 69)

Sidr honey is known to be of the highest quality in the world. It is extracted from the nectar of the Ziziphus or Lote tree in the desert regions of Middle Eastern Countries but is predominantly found in Yemen. 

Sidr honey not only heals or prevents infections but also improves overall health by boosting immunity. Some of the main sidr honey benefits are:

  • Relieves throat pain, cough, and flu symptoms
  • Boosts and tremendously increases immunity
  • Improves energy levels
  • Helps fight illnesses and healing processes
  • Aids in resting better 
  • Boosts memory retention
  • Contains anti-aging properties that can improve the health of the skin.

Implementing Sidr honey into your diet can include mixing it with tea or creating a honey, lemon and ginger concoction. 

Shop Sidr Honey

Black Seed Oil

Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Hold on (use this seed regularly)! Because it is a remedy (cure) for every disease except death."

Black Seed oil is created from black cumin seeds from the Nigella Sativa plant. It is very effective at keeping the flu away as it actively helps the body to produce more natural cells that fight off viruses. It is suitable for all ages and can be easily included in your diet, as a teaspoon of black seed oil in herbal tea, consumed regularly, will help your body create these cells.

Regular consumption of Black Seed Oil can also help with healthy skin, digestive issues, allergies, weight loss, diabetes, high cholesterol, brain function and more. 

Shop Black Seed Oil

The key to avoiding the flu is to keep your immune system strong and know how to spot the symptoms and treat them accordingly. Rest, sleep and drinking lots of fluids are the best things you can do to recover. Although most symptoms resolve within one or two weeks, see your doctor if symptoms worsen.


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