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Maktaba Al Bushra  |  SKU: B20375

AL HIDAYAH (4 VOLUME SET. BUSHRA) الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي

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AL HIDAYAH (4 VOLUME SET. BUSHRA) الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي

Edition: Hardcover

Language: Arabic

Pages: 3565

Dimensions:25 x 35 cm (9.8 x 13.8 in)

Publisher: Maktaba Al Bushra

Year of Publication:1438 AH / 2017 CE

New two-colour computer composed edition. Includes Hashiah of Lakhnavi and Diraya of Ibn Hajar in addition to Ta'leeqat of Mufti Abu Lubabah.

About The Book

The Hidayah is a commentary of Bidayat al-Mubtadi written by the author himself.

The Hidayah represents the refined, distilled and authentic version of a legal tradition developed over many centuries. It presents the corpus of Hanafi law in its approved and preferred form and forges an organic link with the other schools of law. There is no book that can match the power of al-Hidayah as a teaching manual. Education in Islamic law is not complete without this book. 

Accordingly, each and every madrassah, whatever its affiliation, imparts instruction in Islamic law through al-Hidayah. The book was designed by the author in such a way that it makes a vigorous interaction between teacher and student unavoidable. Each sentence presents a challenge both to the teacher and the taught. In this process, the student acquires a deep knowledge of the issues of fiqh and the methods of reasoning employed by Islamic law. The teacher, on his part, has a unique opportunity, while using the book in the class session, to give full expression to his skills and abilities.

The primary reason for its popularity is the reliability of its statements and the soundness of its legal reasoning. Most researchers and scholars first consult al-Hidayah before they move to another source. In the area of Muslim personal law, it has been the major source relied upon by courts in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. The need for this book, since the day it was written, led to the writing of well over forty commentaries and glosses on it, and this does not include the books written to document its traditions. This is rare not only for Islamic law, but for any field of knowledge. 

The Importance of this Book can not be exaggerated, it was and still is referred to in all Courts in Muslim India. It is also studied in most Hanafi based Dar-ul-Ulums and Islamic Universities.

الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي

تأليف: برهان الدين أبي الحسن علي بن أبي بكر بن عبد الجليل الرشداني المرغيناني

بداية المبتدي متن مختصر في فروع الفقه الحنفي للمرغيناني، ولكن أراد أن يشرحه ويبسطه ويحل ما فيه من عقد ويبين ما فيه من غامض ويزيد إيضاح مسائله ويأتي بأدلتها الشرعية من الكتاب والسنة ويورد آراء أصحاب المذهب الحنفي فقام بهذا العمل في كتاب أسماه الهداية

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Maktaba Al Bushra

AL HIDAYAH (4 VOLUME SET. BUSHRA) الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي


AL HIDAYAH (4 VOLUME SET. BUSHRA) الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي

Edition: Hardcover

Language: Arabic

Pages: 3565

Dimensions:25 x 35 cm (9.8 x 13.8 in)

Publisher: Maktaba Al Bushra

Year of Publication:1438 AH / 2017 CE

New two-colour computer composed edition. Includes Hashiah of Lakhnavi and Diraya of Ibn Hajar in addition to Ta'leeqat of Mufti Abu Lubabah.

About The Book

The Hidayah is a commentary of Bidayat al-Mubtadi written by the author himself.

The Hidayah represents the refined, distilled and authentic version of a legal tradition developed over many centuries. It presents the corpus of Hanafi law in its approved and preferred form and forges an organic link with the other schools of law. There is no book that can match the power of al-Hidayah as a teaching manual. Education in Islamic law is not complete without this book. 

Accordingly, each and every madrassah, whatever its affiliation, imparts instruction in Islamic law through al-Hidayah. The book was designed by the author in such a way that it makes a vigorous interaction between teacher and student unavoidable. Each sentence presents a challenge both to the teacher and the taught. In this process, the student acquires a deep knowledge of the issues of fiqh and the methods of reasoning employed by Islamic law. The teacher, on his part, has a unique opportunity, while using the book in the class session, to give full expression to his skills and abilities.

The primary reason for its popularity is the reliability of its statements and the soundness of its legal reasoning. Most researchers and scholars first consult al-Hidayah before they move to another source. In the area of Muslim personal law, it has been the major source relied upon by courts in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. The need for this book, since the day it was written, led to the writing of well over forty commentaries and glosses on it, and this does not include the books written to document its traditions. This is rare not only for Islamic law, but for any field of knowledge. 

The Importance of this Book can not be exaggerated, it was and still is referred to in all Courts in Muslim India. It is also studied in most Hanafi based Dar-ul-Ulums and Islamic Universities.

الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي

تأليف: برهان الدين أبي الحسن علي بن أبي بكر بن عبد الجليل الرشداني المرغيناني

بداية المبتدي متن مختصر في فروع الفقه الحنفي للمرغيناني، ولكن أراد أن يشرحه ويبسطه ويحل ما فيه من عقد ويبين ما فيه من غامض ويزيد إيضاح مسائله ويأتي بأدلتها الشرعية من الكتاب والسنة ويورد آراء أصحاب المذهب الحنفي فقام بهذا العمل في كتاب أسماه الهداية

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