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Maintaining Your Spirituality After Hajj

Maintaining Your Spirituality After Hajj

Fauwaz Ahmad |

Hajj is a difficult, but fulfiling journey of discovery. From the moment you start saving up for your trip to the trials you overcome while completing the rituals of Hajj, it’s a journey that’s completely life-changing.

In Islam, it is said in several ahadith that going on Hajj has the potential to bring us bountiful rewards. Hajj purifies pilgrims from sins, so much so that “Whoever performs Hajj solely for Allah’s Sake and, in the course of it, abstains from obscenity and disobedience, returns after Hajj as immaculate as a child just born.” (Bukhari)

In turn, the Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) said:“…an accepted Hajj brings no reward but Paradise.” (Bukhari and Muslim) 

As such, many Hajis (those who come back from Hajj), will find that their pilgrimage has given them a renewed sense of spiritual resolve and purpose when they return home. Their Hajj was a journey of sacrifice and devotion – all for the Forgiveness and Mercy of Allah (SWT). 

However, upon the return home, the heightened spirituality from being at the Kaaba – THE house of Allah (SWT) – and the lands our Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the prophets after him walked on dies down after a while. Gone are your days of Hajj when you were free from worldly distractions and were gathered with people geared solely towards worshipping Allah (SWT). So what can we do to continue that spiritual high long after we return from Hajj?

Focus on Small but Consistent Good Deeds

While we’ll miss the grandeur of our acts of worship during Hajj, it’s important to remember that even the smallest good deeds are beloved to Allah (SWT), especially if they’re consistent. In hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little."

Hajj is a journey we embark on with the intention of wiping our past sins and starting the next chapter of our lives with a clean slate. The acts of worship we do regularly  – our daily prayers, reading Quran, spreading goodness to others and so much more – keep our hearts and minds pure and close to Allah (SWT). When we practice them sincerely and for His sake, we’ll feel more potently the love and blessings our Creator has for us, even long after we return from Hajj. 

Keep Yourself in Check 

While Hajj purifies the soul from sin, consistently maintaining our daily acts of worship won’t always keep us away from committing misdeeds. Of course, we should always try our best to keep in good company and use our time wisely to maintain the clean slate we gained from Hajj. But we’re also human and Allah (SWT) doesn’t expect us to be perfect. 

However, the best among us to our Creator are those who recognise they’ve done wrong and seek the forgiveness of Allah Almighty. The Prophet (PBUH) said: 

“By the One in Whose Hand my soul is! If you do not commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah will certainly forgive them.” (Muslim)

Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) was the best of mankind but still asked Allah (SWT) for forgiveness at least 70 times a day. So we should recognise that we will slip up, but then also follow up on our sins and mistakes with immediate repentance. 

Pray to Allah (SWT) for Another Opportunity to Go

With how spiritually invigorating Hajj is, it’s very sad to leave Makkah – especially after you’ve made your final tawaf and left the haram. In times of yearning to be a guest of Allah (SWT) again, we can take the time to draw closer to Him in our acts of worship and sincerely ask for another chance to visit the Kaaba. 

In the Quran, we are told: “And ˹remember˺ when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more.” (Quran 14:7) 

In this verse, Allah (SWT) reminds us that if we’re grateful, He will give us more. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam but it is also a privilege for those who have the financial, physical and psychological capacity to go. When we continue life after Hajj appreciating what we have and the blessings from our Creator, then, insha Allah, another journey of a lifetime will come our way from Allah (SWT) soon. 

May Allah (SWT) accept our Hajj and allow us to maintain its rewards in this life and hereafter, Ameen!

3 minute read