“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger” (Surah An-Nahl, 16:36).
Since the beginning of time, the Prophets in Islam were remarkable individuals sent by Allah (SWT) to various communities throughout history to spread the message of Islam. They were role models who inspired others, young and old, to join them and follow the righteous path through nurturing their belief and love in the Creator, Allah (SWT), and His Oneness.
Even today, we continue to admire these Prophets for their pious and noble characters and the legacy they leave behind for helping make Islam the religion it is today. We read their stories in the Qur’an and take valuable lessons from them – ones we can pass on to our children and help them overcome life’s difficulties and strengthen their faith.
But with 25 Prophets named in the Qur’an (and many more mentioned in ahadith!), it can be hard to decide which story to start with or in what order we should introduce the Prophets in Islam to the younger generation. That’s where The Prophets of Islam Activity Books can help!
What are the Prophets of Islam Activity Books?
The Prophet of Islam Activity Books is a series that makes learning about the Prophets in Islam engaging and fun!
Each book is full of life, combining cheerful, colourful animals and backgrounds with a diverse roster of exciting activities, including crosswords, puzzles, mazes and colouring. The language is also straightforward and simple enough for even very young children to understand and read.
With these books, your children will have an imaginative and interactive way to learn about some of the most well-known stories of the Prophets in Islam.
Who are the Prophets mentioned in the Activity Books?
The series focuses on Prophet Adam (AS), Prophet Nuh (AS), Prophet Ibrahim (AS), Prophet Ismail (AS), Prophet Sulaiman (AS), Prophet Yunus (AS) and Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Each book centres around a select story from each of these Prophets’ (may peace be upon them all) lives.
Prophet Adam and the Wicked Iblis
This book follows the story of Prophet Adam (AS), the first human ever created. It details how he and his wife, Hawa, was expelled from Jannah after being tricked by Iblis but were forgiven by Allah (SWT) after making sincere repentance. Within this story, children learn the importance of asking for forgiveness from Allah (SWT) for our mistakes and being wary of Iblis, our enemy, guiding us on the wrong path.
Get the activity book for Prophet Adam (AS) here.
Prophet Nuh and the Great Ark
This book follows the story of Prophet Nuh (AS), who was appointed by Allah (SWT) to call the disbelieving descendants of the people of Prophet Idris (AS) back to God. It details how Nuh (AS) built his famous ark to save his followers and pairs of animals from the oncoming destruction of the great floods – a warning from Allah (SWT). Within this story, children learn the importance of being steadfast in our faith in Allah (SWT).
Get the activity book for Prophet Nuh (AS) here.
Prophet Ibrahim and the Little Bird
This book follows the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), the forefather of the following named Prophets in the Quran after him, including Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It details how a little bird (Ababeel) saved Prophet Ibrahim from burning after being thrown into the fire by the enemy by collecting small droplets. Within this story, children learn the importance of being persistent in our acts of goodness and that anyone can make a difference.
Get the activity book for Prophet Ibrahim (AS) here.
Prophet Ismail and the Zamzam Well
This book follows the story of Prophet Ismail (AS), Ibrahim's son, and how he, as an infant, and his mother, Hajar (AS) helped turned a barren desert into the city of Makkah through a miracle from Allah (SWT): the Zamzam Well. Allah (SWT) delivered Zamzam water to Hajar (AS) and Ismail (AS) as a reward for turning towards Him in their hour of need. In this story, children learn the importance of asking Allah (SWT) for help, as He will always come to our aid when we need it.
Get the activity book for Prophet Ismail (AS) here.
Prophet Yusuf and the Wolf
This book follows the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS), one of the sons of Prophet Yaqub (AS), grandson of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It details the difficulties Prophet Yusuf (AS) had to go through after being thrown into the well by his older half-brothers, who claimed he got eaten by a wolf. In this story, children learn of the reliance Prophet Yusuf (AS) had and how to implement it in their own lives.
Get the activity book for Prophet Yusuf (AS) here.
Prophet Sulaiman and the Talking Ants
This book follows the story of Prophet Sulaiman (AS), son of Prophet Dawud (AS) and the third king of the people of Israel. He was a kind and just king who Allah (SWT) had gifted the ability to talk to animals and rule over Jinn. Among these animals include the ants, who Prophet Sulaiman assured he and his army would not step on them when the ants expressed their concerns. In this story, children learn the importance of kindness towards all living things, creations of Allah (SWT), even if they are the smallest of ants.
Get the activity book for Prophet Sulaiman (AS) here.
Prophet Yunus Swallowed By The Whale
This book follows the story of Prophet Yunus (AS) and how he was swallowed by a big whale when he almost drowned after running away from his people who refused to listen to his message. It details how Allah (SWT) saved Prophet Yunus – from the whale and from despair – and urged him to return to his people and help guide them again. In this story, children learn the importance of patience and faith and how Allah (SWT) will always try to help us even when all hope is lost.
Get the activity book for Prophet Yunus (AS) here.
Prophet Muhammad and the Crying Camel
This book follows the story of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the last prophet and messenger of Allah (SWT). It details how Prophet Muhammed (SAW) found a crying camel in the hot desert and took care of the animal until it was no longer thirsty or felt neglected and even scolded the owner for not taking good care of the camel. In this story, children learn the importance of caring for and protecting all creations of Allah (SWT), especially if they work hard to please us.
Get the activity book for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) here.
From Prophet Adam (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the stories of the Prophets in Islam continue to be meaningful to our lives and the lessons they teach us about developing good habits and loving Allah (SWT). To help your children love the incredible Prophets and keep their names close to their hearts, you can get The Prophets of Islam Activity Books as a full set of 8 at Darussalam today!