Uplifting communities. Teaching the Qur’an. Growing ethically as a Muslim business.
When you purchase at Darussalam Bookstore Australia, you’re helping power some of the most crucial causes that we proudly support
Sheikh Rafi Ahmad - The Owner of Darussalam Australia
Established by Sheikh Rafi Ahmad, Darussalam Australia has been the Australian community's leading source of Islamic books for over 20 years. Since graduating from the Islamic University of Al-Madinah, Sheikh Rafi has been actively involved in Da'wah in Australia, the Indian subcontinent and Fiji. Locally he has served as a coordinator for the NSW scripture program, and he also reviews books ahead of their publication.

In-store: An Islamically-inspired environment-friendly business
We are always conscious of our impact on the environment. It is part of our Islamic responsibility to reduce waste and look after our precious Earth (a gift from Allah!). Our current initiatives:
- Environmentally friendly bags made in Muslim countries
- Saying no to plastics (packaging, bags and more) in our operations
- Our suppliers: From our books and products to other business needs, choosing the most ethical, environmentally and Islamically conscious businesses to partner with
At home: Championing key Australian community causes
We champion key causes in our local Australian Muslim community to make practical, lasting impact for the better. Our current initiatives:
- Muslims in Prison: Giving our brothers and sisters a second chance by supporting them with Islamic knowledge (especially the Qur’an)
- New Muslim Prayer Kits: Equiping new Muslims with the greatest gift (worshipping Allah) through sponsored prayer kits
- Quran for Kids: Teaching our future generations how to recite the noble Qur’an by sponsoring copies for Mosques and Islamic centres

Internationally: Supporting Islamic education for Muslims globally
Through our connections globally (with a current focus on India) we are powering Islamic care and education for less fortunate children by supporting orphanages and madrassas. We currently support:
- The Fatima Az Zahra girls’ orphanage (Meerut, India)
- Two madrasahs for young Muslim boys (Lal Gopal Ganj, India)
- A leading Islamic College, Darul Uloom Muhammadiyah (Kanpur, India)
Every year, hundreds of orphans and young Muslims are educated in these institutions. When you support us, you are supporting the education of these future carriers of Islam, insha Allah.